
Game 1 Recap: ‘Do it. Throw it into the runner’s back’

Masahiro Tanaka warmed up a sellout crowd in the frigid Bronx for a short while, but 47,000-plus ultimately left the ballpark with their arms outstretched and their heaviest insults directed toward the day’s umpiring crew. Tanaka lasted 5 2/3 innings, allowing two runs on four hits and striking out four, but he was once again out-dueled by […]


Yankees-Astros Series Preview

The Astros’ 2015 season surprised many, while failing to hold off the Rangers down the stretch in the division. Unlike the Yankees, the Astros’ youth was the driving force of their success. Which is why expectations for the 2016 Astros are sky high. PECOTA puts the Astros with 88 wins atop the AL West. As […]