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A-Rod’s fly balls just don’t fly like they used to

Theoretically speaking, power hitting a pretty simple business. In order to get hit home runs you need to hit the ball hard and put it in the air often. Just because it’s simple that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do, nothing could be farther from the truth. But it’s easy enough to conceptualize. Traditionally Alex Rodriguez […]


Aaron Hicks’s perfect demonstration of how not to get hits

At this particular moment in time Aaron Hicks is simultaneously a Statcast legend and a player providing significantly negative value to his team. Yes, he can throw the ball hard, maybe even harder than anyone else. When you’re a pitcher that’s both cool and extraordinarily useful as Aroldis Chapman has demonstrated. When you’re a position […]


How good a reliever could Nathan Eovaldi be?

Nothing offends the sensibilities of sports fans more than seeing what they perceive as great potential “going to waste.” If people believe you are especially talented, you’d better produce or you will surely incur the wrath of the masses. If the general consensus is that you posses unremarkable tools then you have carte blanche to suck. […]


Didi Gregorius is finally getting the Yankee Stadium boost

Whenever the New York Yankees acquire a left-handed hitter, there is always hope that Yankee Stadium will be good to them. With comical right-field dimensions that warmly invite even modest fly balls into the crowd, most assume new Yankees can count on a few more round trippers than they’re accustomed to. This line of thinking has […]


Andrew Miller isn’t able to waste pitches

There are a myriad of reasons to be impressed by Andrew Miller. He’s 6-foot-7, which is quite a height for a human to grow to. He’s left-handed, which a rare trait. He can throw a ball at 94 mph consistency. Beyond the basics, it has become apparent in recent years that he’s a pretty remarkable pitcher. You could […]


Throwing hard isn’t enough for Yankees

The fastball is the basic building block upon which all pitching is built. If you were to describe the act of pitching to an alien, or someone from Norway, you would probably say something to the effect of “the attempt to throw a ball hard into an imaginary box of sorts past someone trying to […]