In this series, I endeavor to capture the weekend’s action in the form of a sonnet. Shakespeare famously used this poetic form to express passionate feelings, often of love and lust, while I am using it to recap baseball games. Please don’t tell your high school English teacher.
A spirited comeback now in the rearview,
With forecasts bright since toppling the tops,
This oft-potent offense promptly falls through,
While the one called Altuve refuses to stop.
Tanaka’s one blemish proves ‘nough to sink him,
As Keuchel makes swift work of Yankee bats;
The path to glory not yet seeming slim,
Enter Verlander to shatter all that.
A celestial name with a knack otherworldly,
For snatching vict’ry from the crag of defeat,
These ‘stros render Chapman once more unsturdy,
As a Sanchez non-catch dom’nates the beat.
Two harsh days in Houston, now a sullen flight,
But Yanks despair not this familiar plight.
Photo Credit: Shanna Lockwood / USA TODAY Sports